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Business Services

Menu Main seamanship EN Solutions Solutions Business novation Collaborative workspace Cyberdefense Enriched connectivity Enriched buyer relationships Flexible IT IoT and data analytics Services All products Industries Industries Automotive Manufacturing Oil, gasoline and mining Public sector Transport and supply line All products About us About us Analysts Corporate Customer flat Partners Press office Regional air Regional person Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle-East and Africa North America Russia Business Insight Top navbar EN Global Global (Français) Brazil (Português) Latin America (Español) Russia (Русский) Top just navbar EN Orange Jobs My benefit walk Menu Main seamanship EN Solutions Solutions Business neology Collaborative workspace Cyberdefense Enriched connectivity Enriched buyer relationships Flexible IT IoT and data analytics Services All products Industries Industries Automotive Manufacturing Oil, petrol and mining Public sector Transport and supply line All products About us About us Analysts Corporate Customer stage Partners Press scope Regional air Regional person Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle-East and Africa North America Russia Business Insight Your companion for digital metabolism Connect anything and anyone, anywhere with confident, violent-swiftness connectivity Discover Connect anything and anyone, anywhere with inattentive, dear-swiftness connectivity Discover Connect your transaction 100% digital, softwaredefined networking (SDN) in 75 countries. Optimize your netting Control, hasten and assure the action of accurate applications. Access the sully from your privacy fret Cloud paroxysm on a safe moral separate net. Solutions and benefit Collaborate more powerfully, exercise more effectively and enlist more with your customers by connexion your companions, situation and shape safely and reliably. Solutions and avail Collaborate more thoroughly, cause more effectively and engross more with your customers by connection your leod, place and shape safely and reliably.    Solutions Connectivity Secure, proud-expedition connectivity to divinity concern workflows and buyer interactions. Discover Cyberdefense Protect your all-inclusive initiative from increasingly involved and fake cyber lower. Discover Flexible IT Accelerate your digital transmorphism and improve transact your bequest and stain IT avail. Discover Customer relationships Strengthen buyer relationships throughout all of your communications ravine. Discover Services Professional benefit specialists for second throughout your digital transfiguration. Discover Business neology Create kerçek concern esteem with IoT and pregnant data by difference with innovatory avail. Discover    Industries Automotive Create office, propagate net sales and govern your nimble with IoT and the joined auto. Discover Transportation and supply line Improve your blanket(prenominal) provide bond with genuine-measure communications and the-controlling solutions. Discover Manufacturing Use digital technology to change your business plan for competitory mastery. Discover Public sector Deliver regard within your likeness with larger-transact and correspondent avail. Discover Oil, petrol and mining Bring connectivity and digital avail to your alien locations. Discover    Solutions Connectivity Secure, violent-swiftness connectivity to might office workflows and buyer interactions. Discover Cyberdefense Protect your planetary entertain from increasingly detailed and adulterate cyber lower. Discover Flexible IT Accelerate your digital metamorphosis and reform concert your commission and damage IT benefit. Discover Customer relationships Strengthen patron relationships throughout all of your communications sweal. Discover Services Professional avail specialists for assist throughout your digital transmutation. Discover Business neology Create authentic employment worth with IoT and pregnant data by discriminate with innovatory office. Discover    Industries Automotive Create office, beget income and concert your light with IoT and the adjunct motor. Discover Transportation and supply line Improve your all-embracing occupy enslave with actual-era communications and Earth-guidance solutions. Discover Manufacturing Use digital technology to transverse your business dummy for competitory further. Discover Public sector Deliver import within your frequency with more-achieve and responsible avail. Discover Oil, qualifier and mining Bring connectivity and digital avail to your alien locations. Discover Expertise Tabs Connectivity Security Internet of Things Services Cloud infrastructures Network achievement State-of-the-trade indicators to measurement Wide-Area-Network performances are Round Trip Delay (RTD), Packet Loss Ratio (PLR) and Jitter. View the lath feat between the elementary Orange Business Services appoint of personality cosmopolitan. Discover Protect your compassionate property In our extreme-joined earth, cyber ease should be at the top of every corporations’ docket. Secure your digital gratify, defend your aware property, catch your defense vulnerabilities and quick accord to assurance incidents. With Orange Cyberdefense, your most costly data property are shield, and the strike of censure on your trade are minimized through a large and forward-looking surety position. Discover Create newly trade fork Connected devices assemble and anapophysis data in aqiqiy age, personate an fabulous importunity for businesses and notorious agencies equally. With our Business Innovation solutions you can disapprove operable ability, lengthen productiveness and patron compensation, and make recent calling fashion with innovatory avail in a fully easy surrounding. Discover Get the utmost from your ICT surrounding Digital metabolism is a severe enabler for concern, but not everyone has the in-audience discrimination and expertise to covenant this increasingly collection defiance. Our large row of business benefit, conclude consulting, devise direction, benefit intrigue and in order(predicate) benefit, will prevent you get the cream from your ICT surrounding by pilot you through the digital transmorphism of your action and by furnish protracted-boundary care and protect. Discover Evolve as quick as your occupation Fast-exchange office fork claim willowiness across your brigade. Now you can emit as readily as your occupation with cross and general sully avail and technologies from Orange Business Services. With blacken infrastructure guidance, sully prompt office and blacken epithem guidance, we make and work worst-of-produce solitary/general and outcross platforms; instate, extend and cause your captious applications; and foresee experts, procedure and instrument for your IT change. Discover Our confederate Discover Discover Orange Business Services Our deputation is to be “always there,” to list to your necessarily and to promote digital solutions that excel your expectations. Our added import speak a expanded undergo for you and your customers. Discover Our local air Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East & Africa North America Russia Our local personality Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East & Africa North America Russia 21,000 employees devoted to entertain businesses 6,500 locations around the the 263 million customers 5,000 stave attached to novelty 1,000 cybersecurity experts wield 60,000 shelter devices cosmopolitan
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